803 Whatcoat St , P.O . BOX 117 , Oxford, GA 30054
Worship With Us - Sundays @ 11 AM

Wednesday Night Dinners are a great way to connect with the church during the week. Each gathering will include a wonderful meal, fellowship and a program for adults. Children will have opportunities for fun as well. Below is our menu for the Fall of 2018. If you would like to come please contact the church office to sign up or fill out a connect card in worship. Meals are $5 for individuals $3 for children and $15 for family. We are able to keep our costs down because we have volunteers that help with the meal. If you would like to help volunteer please let us know.
September 5 | 6 PM
Meal: Burgers, Hotdogs, Chips, Slaw, Ice Cream
Activities: First Responder cards and snack prep/pack
September 19| 6 PM
Meal: Sub Sandwiches, Chips, Cookies
Activities: Action Ministry Bag Decorating
October 3| 6 PM
Meal: Tacos, fixins, tortilla chips, rice, beans, Ice Cream or Cookies
Activities: Sing Along
October 17| 6 PM
Meal: Chicken Pot Pie, Salad,Banana Pudding
Activities: Games, Pumpkin carve / decoration
November 7| 6 PM
Meal: Soup, Cornbread, Fruit Salad
Activities: Talent Show
December 5| 6 PM
Meal: Potato Bar, Salad, Pies
Activities: Pack Oxford College Student study packs
December 19 (Tentative)
Meal: Spaghetti, Bread, Salad
Activities: Caroling